There is a lot of discussion about what art is, the role it holds in our society, and the functions it should fulfill. Ideally, art can express something that other channels cannot convey. It can move, surprise, frighten, enthuse, bore, be socially critical... at least in theory. Or is it really all just hot air? Exhibition spaces often remain sterile and suggest a distance. Critical questions and comments are not welcome here. We try to break these boundaries with our format: here, one can dare to think and express what they would usually only tell a colleague on the way home from an expo. We bring artists and their audience together to test art as a means of communication in practice - away from the white walls of the gallery, towards direct contact with people: what questions, associations, and reactions arise? We invite you to an unconventional evening: two artists present a selection of works, through which we embark on an adventurous and critical journey around the question: what's the point of it all? No prior knowledge is required. Everyone who feels addressed is welcome!
Where does it take place?
avenue Marie Therese
2132 Luxembourg
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