Weekly stand-up comedy open mic night, featuring short sets from multiple comedians. Every Thursday, stand-up comedians from and around the Grand Duchy perform in front of a live, supportive audience. Come over for a fun and cozy night of drinks and laughter! ENTRY IS FREE (Reservations recommended)! After the show, you can hang around to chat with comedians, audience members and make new friends. The venue is open late till 1am (including the kitchen)!!!
Good to know
The shows take place at the Updown bar, located in the historic Grund district of Luxembourg, next to the elevator. The comedy show takes place in the cellar room. You can enter even if you are late. There will be a 15-minute break during the evening.
Source linkWhere does it take place?
Updown Bar
28 Mnt du Grund
1645 Ville-Haute Luxembourg
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