The Eddi van Tsui collective and the duo of Zohra Mrad and Damiano Picci, selected for a cross-border program organized by Rotondes, the City of Metz, and BLIIIDA, with support from INTERREG IV Grande Région as part of the GRACE project, began their residencies at Rotondes in December. At the end of their second week, the artists are presenting a first iteration of their work to visitors at Multiplica Lab. Two projects are open for exploration: Island 2.0, an immersive video and sound installation by the Eddi van Tsui collective, and _First A/V, an introduction to creating digital audiovisual performances by Zohra Mrad and Damiano Picci. Audience feedback – including reactions, questions, and comments – will contribute to the ongoing work of the artists during their time in Metz, ultimately leading to a more refined presentation of both projects at BLIIIDA in June 2025.
Good to know
Opening hours: 18:00 - 22:00
Free entry
Venue: Klub & Black Box
Organized by Rotondes in collaboration with the City of Metz and BLIIIDA Metz, with support from Interreg VI Grande Région (GRACE Project).
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