Chakra Balancing Massage (Individual Sessions)
Chakra Balance Massage is a unique and individual experience. It combines healing techniques consisting of Aura-Soma oils, crystals, tones, and breathwork with gentle massage, stimulating healing and personal change.
There are seven main chakras located along the spine from the tailbone to the top of the skull. Each chakra is connected to major organs and glands. A balanced chakra promotes health and well-being on all levels of being: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. For each chakra, there is an Aura-Soma equilibrium bottle, with colors corresponding to that chakra. When the oil is applied to the chakra, the color combination helps harmonize the blocked chakra, restoring harmony, wholeness, and positive well-being.
Stress plays a major role in many illnesses. Permanent stress and daily pressure are features of our modern life. A healing session can help with depression, anger, worries, and fears. Often, such a session helps clear old fears, restoring a sense of trust, optimism, joy, and well-being. On a spiritual level, intuition is fostered. The breath plays a big role in gently releasing old patterns. With each exhalation, one can let go of the past. Each inhalation is a new birth. Vicki's holistic healing approach involves recognizing and consciously examining recurring patterns. Crystals, tones, and gentle massage with colored oils can bring about deep healing, allowing growth on all levels of being.
You will feel nourished, loved, and safe, with a new perspective of wholeness and awareness. This means taking responsibility for one's own healing process and health.
Where does it take place?
Scarabaeus SARL
rue de la Boucherie
1247 Luxembourg
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