Romano Guardini and the challenges of the Mission - conference

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  • Luxembourg
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The work of theologian Romano Guardini is arousing new interest in the Church today. A leading theologian of Pope Francis and former teacher of Pope Benedict XVI, his thinking and experience are surprisingly current. They appear to be a valuable aid in understanding and meeting the challenges of the life and mission of the Church. Deeply influenced by the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi and by the work of his successor, Saint Bonaventure, Romano Guardini was a priest, a pastor of souls, an educator of youth and one of the most decisive theologians of the 20th century. The work he left behind is a legacy of great richness that also has the merit of being accessible to all, and not just to theologians and professional intellectuals. It is a thought open to life.

During this pastoral morning, the main points of his life and work will be presented to you, then four themes will be addressed: 1. looking at the world and one's own life through the eyes of Christ, 2. theology and life, 3. life of prayer and life of faith, 4. life is a liturgy.

Centre Jean XXIII - Grand séminaire de Luxembourg

Where does it take place?

2728 Luxembourg Bibliothèque du Grand Séminaire de Luxembourg, Centre Jean XXIII, Rue Jules Wilhelm, Neudorf-Weimershof Luxembourg

Centre Jean XXIII - Grand séminaire de Luxembourg
Bibliothèque du Grand Séminaire de Luxembourg
Centre Jean XXIII
Rue Jules Wilhelm
Neudorf-Weimershof Luxembourg


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Weather forecast (Luxembourg)

wed. 26
/ 11°


Otherwise… check out the agenda


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  • 2025-03-26 09:00:00 2025-03-26 12:30:00 Europe/Paris Romano Guardini and the challenges of the Mission - conference The work of theologian Romano Guardini is arousing new interest in the Church today. A leading theologian of Pope Francis and former teacher of Pope Benedict XVI, his thinking and experience are surprisingly current. They appear to be a valuable aid in understanding and meeting the challenges of the life and mission of the Church. Deeply influenced by the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi and by the work of his successor, Saint Bonaventure, Romano Guardini was a priest, a pastor of souls, an educator of youth and one of the most decisive theologians of the 20th century. The work he left behind is a legacy of great richness that also has the merit of being accessible to all, and not just to theologians and professional intellectuals. It is a thought open to life. During this pastoral morning, the main points of his life and work will be presented to you, then four themes will be addressed: 1. looking at the world and one's own life through the eyes of Christ, 2. theology and life, 3. life of prayer and life of faith, 4. life is a liturgy. Bibliothèque du Grand Séminaire de Luxembourg, Centre Jean XXIII, Rue Jules Wilhelm, Neudorf-Weimershof Luxembourg Ville de Luxembourg


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