Seven characters in search of a dog... deliciously frosty! A runaway pooch, seven bewildered characters, a Swedish text with crazy liveliness, a moving and devilishly ingenious set design; this offbeat comedy has everything to captivate. During an endless Swedish winter, a grandfather suddenly dies. At his funeral gather his relatives, a teenager in search of thrills, a depressed young man, an alcoholic pastor, a disillusioned doctor in search of his dog... all of them universally fragile and bewildered by the meaning of life. These quirky characters in the style of Aki Kaurismäki are going to be caught in a turbulence zone. With this first creation as director of the Méta - CDN de Poitiers, Pascale Daniel-Lacombe celebrates intergenerational relationships but especially the charmingly eccentric beings!
Where does it take place?
NEST - CDN Thionville Lorraine
15 Rte de Manom
57100 Thionville
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