Synopsis: “A candle to Saint Michael, another to the devil.” Picasso and his alter ego. Like Harlequin: elusive. The artist, the man, the lover.
Fifty years after his passing, we embark on a journey through his Paris, amidst sunshine and shadow, convictions, and contradictions.
From a young, impoverished foreigner to a 20th-century icon. Above all, the creative energy of a revolutionary genius, and a national museum dedicated to him in the heart of the French capital. 6,000 masterpieces, 200,000 archival materials. The most extensive collection in existence for the painter who never concealed a thing about himself. Director: Simona Risi. Versions: French Version (Subtitles: English).
Where does it take place?
Ciné Utopia
Utopia (Ciné) SA
Avenue de la Faiencerie
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