Regular Guided Tour: Happy Babel?
Luxembourg, at the heart of Europe, serves as a daily laboratory of living multilingualism. The plurality of languages, symbolized since the Bible by the episode of the Tower of Babel, is both a challenge and a richness. "Happy Babel?" explores polyglossia and translation by placing them in a historical and philosophical perspective that extends beyond Luxembourg. With a rare constellation of masterpieces, objects, and documents, exceptional or everyday, the exhibition travels through representations of Babel and highlights the successes and pitfalls of translation, from the Rosetta Stone to artificial intelligence. It questions the conditions of a "Happy Babel" (Roland Barthes), in space and time, up to our present day.
Good to know
The tour is in French
Price: Entrance to the Museum.
Where does it take place?
Lëtzebuerg City Museum
14 Rue du Saint Esprit
1475 Ville-Haute Luxembourg
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