Now that cruelty encircles me, that everything weighs infinitely, I find refuge with the peacock, this creature I've loved since a distant time. Through it, I wanted to distance myself from painful events and rest for a while. With lightness and fluidity, it found its place within the painting. I often added a red dot to distract it from its surroundings. I inundated it with black to highlight its unique character, its independence. As for the large circle appearing in many of my works, it is already present in previous projects, such as Le disparu or L'arbre. But here, it serves to fix the peacock before my eyes, fearing it might suddenly withdraw, fade away. I understand that its only possible defense is its beauty, and its strange, painful cry, like the call of a lone man. I carry within me a reverent fear before this sacred creature, present in ancient stories and legends. But, whether it represents the Angel or the Demon par excellence, the peacock remains a peacock.
– Walid El Masri
Where does it take place?
Espace H2O
Espace H2O
Rue Rattem
Oberkorn Differdange
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