Conference - Resilient Democracies: How to End the Drain Effect?

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In a context where the far right is witnessing a worrying rise across Europe, Belgium is no exception to this trend. It is crucial to question the mechanisms that allow these ideas to spread and influence both citizens and traditional political parties at our various levels of power. The question of the sanitary cordon is more relevant than ever. What is the reality? Is it still respected? This mechanism, born in the late 80s to isolate the Flemish far right from political power, is it sufficient today in the face of the growth of movements with fascist and xenophobic ideologies? In Wallonia, this political sanitary cordon has been reinforced by a media sanitary cordon. Are they still effective ramparts? Should other mechanisms be put in place at a time when social networks allow instant communication? Parties like Vlaams Belang in Belgium, Rassemblement National in France, or internationally, the recent successes of the populist right in the United States, raise questions about the resilience of democracies.

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Ancien Café Du Nord

Where does it take place?

6700 Belgique Ancien Café Du Nord, Rue du Palais de Justice 1, 6700 Arlon, Belgique

Ancien Café Du Nord
Ancien Café Du Nord
Rue du Palais de Justice 1
6700 Arlon


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tue. 25
/ 10°


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  • Favorites
  • 2025-03-25 19:30:00 2025-03-25 21:30:00 Europe/Paris Conference - Resilient Democracies: How to End the Drain Effect? In a context where the far right is witnessing a worrying rise across Europe, Belgium is no exception to this trend. It is crucial to question the mechanisms that allow these ideas to spread and influence both citizens and traditional political parties at our various levels of power. The question of the sanitary cordon is more relevant than ever. What is the reality? Is it still respected? This mechanism, born in the late 80s to isolate the Flemish far right from political power, is it sufficient today in the face of the growth of movements with fascist and xenophobic ideologies? In Wallonia, this political sanitary cordon has been reinforced by a media sanitary cordon. Are they still effective ramparts? Should other mechanisms be put in place at a time when social networks allow instant communication? Parties like Vlaams Belang in Belgium, Rassemblement National in France, or internationally, the recent successes of the populist right in the United States, raise questions about the resilience of democracies. Ancien Café Du Nord, Rue du Palais de Justice 1, 6700 Arlon, Belgique Ciep Lux


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