Roundtable - Stimulating Global and Solidary Civic Engagement in Luxembourg
Roundtable - Stimulating Global and Solidary Civic Engagement in Luxembourg: the case of human rights defenders around the world.
Engaged speakers, including human rights defenders, will share their experiences and perspectives. Stay tuned for more information soon.
Good to know
Festival of Migrations – Room 2B
Organized by the NGO Consortium:
- Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal (AEIN)
- Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient (CPJPO)
- Les Amis du Tibet, Luxembourg
- Frères des Hommes Luxembourg (fdh)
- SOS Faim
Free entry – Join us!
Automatically translated from French.
Where does it take place?
Les Amis du Tibet Luxembourg Asbl
Circuit de la Foire Internationale Luxembourg
Otherwise… check out the agenda

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