Publication date: 2018-03-12
The info that made us laugh pretty hard
Small problem in Zimbabwe. Oops ...
The Zimbabwean health minister has told that the Chinese condoms imported into the country were ... too small ?
Yes yes, we are not kidding! Given that Zimbabwe is one of the most affected countries in the world by the AIDS epidemic, the Government is raising awareness of condom use even more lately. But..., the condoms are considered too thin for some citizens, which would make the use veeery complicated ? We can then say that it is a big problem for the country ... ah, ah, ah (we admit it, we also found that joke easy). Our Merry Zimbabwean Minister of Health strongly encourages local businesses to start producing condoms to better meet the needs of the population.
And at the Ministry of Health of Luxembourg, what do you think? Can we help them ?
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