Publication date: 2018-05-14
End of our Luxair supercontest : THANK YOU SO MUCH! ?
Hello supermiros! This time, it is not to share with you the last unusual info of the moment, nor our last superchannels that we write to you. No no, today we want to put you in the spotlight.
And yes, you who valiantly participated in our contest, who hoped so much, who shared our superservice like a bath duck who feast soap bubbles .. We want to make you an amazing standing ovation , to shout your name on all the roofs of Luxembourg, to create a dance in your name, to ... Well you understand, we want to say THANK YOU !
This contest was set up to celebrate you, to say thank you as high as the height of the stars! Because in reality it is you who makes us laugh every day, who uses us and who finds good plans all the time. We wanted to create this supercontest with Luxair to offer you a supercadeau, but in return you shared like never before and that made us so happy!
The Merry Winner has been warned and is filled with happiness with her twin plane tickets ?
So here to close this message of love we would like to tell you: Never stop going out, enjoying life and spreading your great mood to everyone ?
Superbisous, we cover you with love, glitter, chocolates ?
The Happy Team
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