Publication date: 2018-07-26
Mars comes for a visit as long as a football game!
Don't worry, it is not yet another article on football or the World Cup, but on what will happen right under your eyes very soon. You know we like to help you see what's going on in the World (of Luxembourg)! You may not have heard of it if you have not been connected to any social networks for the past three days. But a major event is supposed to happen Friday evening at 22:01 precisely!
The Moon is going to dance a burning tango with our friend Mars for exactly 103 minutes. And the good news is, you can see it with your naked eye, no need for those ugly glasses! The longest lunar eclipse of the century takes place this Friday and you will have understood, this time we want you to get your head out of your phone and enjoy this unique moment with your friends or family! We advise you to gather as many people as possible, even Grandpa, because this event occurs only every 35,000 years. We are pratically sure that you will not be there for the second edition... Unless you have by then discovered the famous serum that makes you immortal, in this case, hands down brother, we invite you to share it here at the Box Office! For once, we will not ask you to make us as invincible as Hulk, no no.
We would rather you continue to share and use Supermiro as much as possible while you are living on another planet with your three-headed and 5 eyes buddies!
Do you want a little more explanation on the subject? Run, fly or go read the article from our friends at scienceinfo .
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