Publication date: 2018-10-23
Here we are ! What we have worked for months will soon be born in the heart of the streets of Luxembourg. Just for you!
Dear user, fan, known or less known, we address you today this little love letter to tell you about our last treasure. His little name? The Slip Trip!
You know that every time we take out a rather funny idea out of Supermiro's hood, you are usually the first one targeted! It's true, we're always trying to make you smile at all costs, just to bring a little good humor into the daily lives of our favorite darlings 😍
A few months ago we had launched the supermiro saga! It came to stick on the back of the buses in Luxembourg, that might ring a beel to you? Well, this time, we push the cap even further and we offer to win your own Luxembourgish underwear! Yes, yes, we made it just for you!
All in the light atmosphere of November, surrounded by illustrations that are part of our crazy world. The opportunity for you to join us with colleagues, friends or family (again, granny can be the life of the party) and come chat with us, and win gifts at the same time! Isn't life beautiful ?
Our Slip Trip will be held in the simplicity and humor that we love to cultivate. You can join us in the heart of Luxembourg:
Thursday, November 8: Grand Rue from 12 to 14
Friday, November 9: on the forecourt of Auchan Kirchberg Shopping Center from 12 to 14
Saturday, November 10: Place d'Armes from 12 to 15
You take the pose with our illustration Supermiro life size
You win your Luxemburgish underwear Supermiro way!
And that's not all! Inside, is still hiding a treasure ... A TRUE scratch ticket signed Supermiro and its partners with even more surprises!
You scratch it and discover so decidedly it's a beautiful day and you've won a gift again (at least 1 in 6 chance of winning).
We can't wait to meet you (if you have not already done so) and to win you lots of cooler gifts than any other 🙂
Thanks to Aquasud, Auchan, Autopolis, Axa, Cocottes, Leiw Rugby Rugby Federation, Pall Center Shopping Village, Parc Alvisse Hotel, Poll-Fabaire, Shopping Center Auchan Kirchberg and The Office, as well as Pierre Bitterwolf - our cameraman - to make this action possible and fun at once 🙂
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