Publication date: 2018-11-14
The Slip Party! The 1st Event of Supermiro.
The principle was simple: to discover the service of Supermiro, powered by artificial intelligence, while spreading our good mood and our smile to all those who crossed our path.
After our #culdebus campaign in May 2018, and always in search of crazy ideas, we listened to our users: "it would be cool to have those underwear for real". We laughed first, then we imagined them, we let the idea grow. We launched a design, a production, tested factories. We thought ... and if we launched the 1st event Supermiro: a "slip trip" called the Slip Party in winter in the 3 corners of Luxembourg ? Let's be crazy. The event was born.
We launched video to tease the superslip in all its aspects ... by staging us , and yes, we, the Happy Team, in our underwear on the Place d'Armes...!
Aquasud even wanted to wet his lifeguards for a second teaser ... on our "tone of voice" just as funny and offbeat.
The concept ?
During 3 lunchtime, the 8, 9 and 10 November, we invited people to come to discover Supermiro, download our app, win their 100% Supermiro Luxembourg slip, at their size (please); get a picture taken in the city with our life-size illustration with the Joyeuse Equipe (aka us), in sliperheros mode . (Because yes we had our pants on our pants, like Superman!)
And to let the pleasure go on ... who sows his underwear, collects his gift ... in each package of slip was a scratch ticket. (and 1 of 6 was winner!)
The success was at the rendezvous, it has been a real sliperpleasure ! We found ourselves, from the first day, Grand-Rue, short of briefs in just one hour! So thanks to you, your friends, your family and even your grandma for coming to win your underwear and meet our Happy Team. We loved chatting with you, laughing, watching you smile. It was pretty funny. We took a lot of nice pictures (find them here ) and our cameraman & director off-road striked again! So do not miss the video of the event. (And you will not miss that after that of Supermiro we have now become experts in the semantic field around the underpants). So, isn't life beautiful in slip? And if you want to get your own underwear, click here!!
We repeat, our partners we love and thank for their generosity and support a team as crazy as ours! Thanks to Aquasud, Auchan, Autopolis, Axa, Cocottes, Leiw Rugby Rugby Federation, Pall Center Shopping Village, Alvisse Park Hotel, Poll-Fabaire, Shopping Center Auchan Kirchberg and The Office but also to Pierre Bitterwolf - for rendering this action possible and fun at a time.
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