Publication date: 2019-01-15
JanuHAIRY: the hairy new trend!
While we are just celebrating the beginning of 2019, this year is already filled with twists, or rather hair, from the 2nd day of its entry. I'll explain to you real quick: do not speak anymore of January but rather of #Januhairy (= Hairy January in french)
And for that, we can thank Laura Jackson, a 21yo British student who launched this unusual movement with a positive message (but somewhat hairy anyway): Let her hair grow and assume them for a month so that one all remember that women, too, have hair and should not be ashamed of it! She took the opportunity to invite each of her Instagram followers to follow his example during the month of January.
Now, let me warn you, don't say you're committed to the cause just because you're too lazy to shave & because it's winter time! #sorrynotsorry
What if we organized a braid workshop with all of our harvest for February? 💁♀️
Ps: Believers or not of this wave, know that we still had to watch a good package of hairy armpits pictures in order to write this article, isn't life great at supermiro?
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