Publication date: 2020-04-07
We see the Moon Jacky
We saw it everywhere on social media, the how and why of the pink moon, we decided to immerse ourselves in the myths and legends of the full moon ... ok but if it is pink how does it affect us? ... here is our interpretation :
▪️ MYTH N ° 1: The full moon would drive you mad
Okeyyy ... it's not very reassuring because the containment does not help either, would that mean that tonight, we will go out for a walk, completely naked while singing " Hijo de la Luna ? " 😱
▪️ MYTH N ° 2: The full moon would help make babies
Wow... there will be a lot of love in the air tonight. Warning! Baby Boom to be planned for January 2021! And if this moon is pink, does that mean that only superBabygirlz will be born?
▪️ MYTH N ° 3: The famous werewolf
And tonight ... that means...men will turn into Pink Panthers ?
▪️ MYTH N ° 4: The moon removes all colors of our clothes
Basically, if myth 1 is proven and this one too (hypothetical case of course), that would mean that there would be high risks of moonburn? And that we would all come out white like...?
▪️ MYTH N ° 5: The moon makes plants grow
So if it grows plants, it grows hairs ... Oh noooo! 🐻
To summarize, the prognosis for tonight : we will all transform ourselves into long-haired albino pink panthers and we will all make long-haired-albino-pink-panthers babies 😳
Stay safe & contactless kiss 'Miros 😘
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