In their latest show "The Roaring Twenties", Släpstick pays a delightful homage to the silent film era. Five musical clowns and thoroughbred musicians from the Netherlands in a boisterous and magnificently staged show - guaranteed laughter and earworms! The madness of the 20s: the unparalleled, sumptuous, chic, twirling, singing, moving champagne-sabering experience of the decade comes to the theatre. A boisterous evening that brings back to life with equal parts sensitivity and elegance the glory days of slapstick. The dance band is playing, the table has been sumptuously set, the fashionable costume is perfectly fitted ... But what happens when the organ suddenly collapses, the table leg wobbles, the chandelier is held together by a few loose screws, and a pair of trousers are suddenly missing? In the end, everything is resolved in comical misunderstandings, crazy släpsticks and thunderous laughter in the audience. At Släpstick, everything simply goes wrong with grandiose know-how. The Golden Twenties return to the theatre. The five thoroughbred Dutch musicians, all graduates of renowned conservatories and colleges in their country, combine subtle comedy with brilliant musicality on stage. With an exceptional gift for timing, a keen sense of eccentricity and a touch of melancholy, the music and theatre group astonishes both the audience and the press with the extraordinary know-how of their multifaceted show. Winner of the Comedy Award Moers (D) and the Spirit Of The Fringe Award (UK).
Where does it take place?
Cube 521
1 Driicht
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