Anti - Brian Ca & Mikaël Serre
“Being a pirate means refusing the maps that have already been drawn”*, it means discovering new territories of freedom. For the six dancers on stage, this statement has the value of an existential quest. The troupe shows us what it means to be on a knife edge, between enslavement and liberation, between the danger of being subjugated and the chance to follow one’s own path. How can a body contain both the history of its suffering and the strength of its own emancipation? What can still push us to indignation, revolt and uprising when these values have also become powerful tools of populist rhetoric? By making the emotions of our time palpitate, Brian Ca and Mikaël Serre explore the explosive gestures of survival.
Where does it take place?
Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg
Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg
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